Fly on the Wall - Visual Art League of Lewisville

Fly on the Wall at the Visual Art League of Lewisville

I didn’t plan to buy art when I joined the Visual Art League of Lewisville.  But there are moments – magical moments when you find “the one”.  It’s glaringly obvious the art belongs to you.  You see it.  Then you declare it emphatically:  “it’s mine.” 

It’s also critical the price is right! 

Well, it happened the night of the Off the Wall reception.  I saw it from a distance.  Is that what I think? 

I approached. 

I was tickled.  For a split second I even thought, why didn’t I think of that

I saw the price. 

I bought it on the spot.

Fly on the Wall - Visual Art League of Lewisville
Fly on the Wall - Visual Art League of Lewisville

Title: Fly on the Wall
Artist: Dave McRedmond
Medium: Framed sculpture
Artist Statement: All the security cameras in the world cannot replace the old ‘Fly on the wall’, seeing everything. I find inspiration in everyday things. I want to preserve the things I see and hear, like a poet recording history.

Wonderful job, Dave! Thank you for you humor, insight and creativity! In retrospect, I could not have done a better job representing this concept. I prefer your artistic hand in this piece.

See this piece in person (before I take it home at the end of the show!)

Exhibit: Off the Wall
Dates: Oct 7 – Nov 4, 2023
Location: Lewisville Grand Theater

Join the Visual Art League of Lewisville for a chance to exhibit your art, make friendships, make connections, find healing, joy and inspiration. Come for a free public meeting to see what it’s like. Donate to our organization. Purchase art. Grace us with your presence at a reception! Visit the website for details. Comment, PM or track me down for details. All skill levels and visual art forms are welcome. We celebrate all ages from 18 – 94+.

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